Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Freedom Info Committee

Lim Guan Eng (Penang CM) buat announcement la pulak, nak adakan "Freedom Info Comittee" supaya segala maklumat boleh disampaikan pada sekalian rakyat.

“We want to provide an avenue and opportunity for the mass media and the public, where information that is not sensitive or classified as secret can be obtained freely and for free,” he told a press conference after chairing the state executive council meeting on Wednesday.

He said state Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Committee chairman Abdul Malik Abul Kassim would head the committee, assisted by state Town and Country Planning and Housing committee chairman Wong Hon Wai and a representative from the state secretariat.

Lim said the committee would direct the departments to categorise and classify information that can be released to the public.

cerita selanjutnya..

Tapi yang peliknya ade le pulak committee yg kene tapis isu..... bukankah pembaziran masa dan wang rakyat nak set yang itu dan ini, sedangkan yg sedia ada pun dah dah sememangnya ditapis. Kalau benar nak transparent bukan ini caranya.

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