Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sound and vga also were detected flawlesly which enables me to listen to music and set the compiz fusion along with emerald theme manager. The card reader also will detect automaticly once a memory card inserted. The only downside of this OS is if you have left any memory card on it's card reader, it won't be able to boot at all.
Bluetooth does not work in this disto as the necessaries application/drivers not loaded in the beta testing version. After enabling the repositories address and adds the bluetooth application i have no issue connecting my usb bluetooth. I'm sure bluetooth apps will be pre installed in the full release version of this distro like it's predecessor (pclinux os 2007).
Monday, December 29, 2008
Palm Treo SmartPhone
Maybank2u Security
I personnaly urged users to read before logging in as this is also an education for them to secure them selves during web surfing. Whats important and what's not is there for them.
Sony Ericcson W7001
Saturday, October 18, 2008
New M2U image
Although in the initial stages the portal was very slow it has proof to the public that it's services are secured, and this has invited more users over time. Nowadays a lot of its customers totally depending on the M2u, because the portal provides time, cost savings and hassle free. It has been in service for 8 years, there are lots of changes in the technology department and well of design concepts.
On 16th October 2008, Maybank launched its new M2U.

From a glance the portal looks more elegance, corporates and secure. However the history when M2U first launched in 2000 is being repeated. The connectivity of the portal was very bad, each transactions or page loads takes minutes and sometimes until it is self timeouts.
Maybank and its vendor should take note of this issue before implementing the new portal on live. There are literally hundreds of thousands people depending to the portal, and the portal is at a crawl.... This surely hurts Maybank's image as the Number One bank in Malaysia.
Layakkah Datuk Seri Najib sebagai PM
Ini adalah kerana rekod yang kurang baik Datuk Seri Najib. Terlalu banyak gossip dan skandal peribadi yang didengari, sama ada ianya adalah betul atau tidak ianya tidak begitu relavan. Ini adalah kerana mereka cuba membandingi gossip-gosip yang ada semasa pemerintahan Tun dulu. Tun juga bukan tak ada gossip, tetapi ianya lebih kepada cara pemerintahan Tun, bukannya hal ehwal peribadi.
Datuk Seri Najib mempunyai musuh yang ingin menjatuhkan beliau, akan tetapi kita tidak boleh lupa yang Tun juga mempunyai masaalah yang sama. Persoalanya kenapa musuh Dt Seri Najib mengasak kehidupan peribadi beliau?
Sama-samalah kita fikirkan...
Sunday, October 12, 2008
If I was not wrong in an interview, the MP was saying that Iran approved such transsexual in Iran, and why Malaysia can't follow what have Iran (which is also an Islamic country) practiced. Such practice was started during Ayotollah Khomeni's administration.
Being an MP, I would assume that she already obtained a good quality of judgment, analytic thinking, and sensivity. However, with her actions definitely shows that the MP has to learn a lot about life, culture, religion, human being and more before being a MP.
For me I would say that the MP actually posses the qualities that I mentioned above, however she on purpose brought up the issue to gain publicity and also to create havoc in the country.
I would like to give an example, in any religion alcohol is prohibited in any teachings. Though science also we know that this substance is bad for our health, but even in the most advance country it is still being sold openly and sometimes become an important tradition items.
Why this thing happen? Definitely because of the human instinct it self, as human beings we do have things we desires. Human tends to make things wright for them even they know that what they are doing is wrong. In some cases money is the reasons why they try to bend gods law.
Lawyers are the best person to do this because they are thought to manipulate words which can seems proof wrong to be correct. Whatever god have give to us always for a good reason. If some don't like what they have and tried to change it according to their likings, then they have betrayed god.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Molotov Cocktails to MP Teresa Kok
It has been reported by The Star Online today a molotov cocktails has been thrown to the Siputeh MP parents house Teresa Kok.
The news has been hotter from day to day.. If Si Puteh MP still do not realize how volitile is the issue she's playing with, then I wouldn't know what else will.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri
Saya ingin meminta ampun dan maaf sekiranya tersilap kata dan kutuk, sesungguhnya ia adalah unuk kebaikan dari pandangan saya. Dengan tibanya musim cuti perayaan ini jalan raya juga akan bertambah sibuk, maka degan itu berhati-hatilah ketika pulang berhari raya.
Tips pemanduan:
Ketika Hujan -
1.Jangan nyalakan lampu kecemasan ketika kenderaan sedang bergerak.
2.a)Sentiasa berada dilorong yang betul (kiri jika tidak memotong)
b)Walaupun anda sedang memandu pada had kelajuan maksima yang dibenarkan, jika didalam keadaan tidak memotong perlu berada disebelah kiri jalan.
3.Nyalan kan lampu hadapan ketika hujan lebat (supaya pemandu lain dapat melihat anda)
Pemanduan berhemah, Selamat pergi dan Selamat Kembali.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Susu Tercemar!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Zaid leads PKR to free Teresa Kok from ISA
is not elected by rakyat. When will DSAAB will ever learn on his mistakes,
giving too much face to other people.
more stories here
Kewajipan Jangan Dilupakan
adanya perubahan kerajaan, semua orang begitu sibuk sekali. Rata-rata
semuanya berbincang impak kepada perubahan tersebut dan adakah ianya boleh
Walau apapun yang berlaku dipihak kerajaan, rakyat masih di tahap yang sama
atau lebih buruk dari keadan sebelumnya. Oleh itu kita perlulah mengimbangkan
aktiviti semasa kita dan perlu lebih menumpukan kearah menambahkan
Tup tap tup tap, sudah enam bulan kerajaan BN memerintah selepas PRU yang ke
12. Minyak dah naik dan dah juga turun (walaupun tidak ketahap lama).
Komponan BN yang dikatakan akan keluar parti sudah pun berbuat demikian
walaupun terdapat segelintir ahli yang tidak bersetuju dengan majoriti ahli.
Ramadhan telah pun berlalu 17 hari, cuba kita renungkan apa yang telah kita
lakukan pada ramadahn ini? Adakah lebih baik dari tahun2 yang lalu atau lebih
teruk. Jika ianya lebih teruk, kita perlulah memperbaiki keadan ini sementara
masih ada baki Ramadhan Mubarak ini.
Sibuk-sibuk juga jangan hingga terlupa untuk menunaikan fardu zakat untuk
tahun ini. Ini hanyalah ingatan untuk saya dan sesiapa sahaja yang
Khairy for Pemuda Umno?
movement. They are former Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Khir Toyo,
Jerlun MP Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir, who is son of former prime minister Tun Dr
Mahathir Mohamad, and former exco Datuk Zahid Zainal Abidin.
"I could not have made this decision unilaterally. I wanted to gauge the
support I had. After traversing the country and talking to the grassroots, I
believe I have enough support to go for the top post," he said.
What will happen next?
SAPP Pulled out from BN
"The party's deputy chief Datuk Raymond Tan said he would resign as deputy
chief minister and state minister within the next 24 hours. He added that he
is not quitting the party as of now.
Tan walked out of the meeting on Wednesday saying he disagrees with the
party's decision. He added that Elopura assemblyman Au Kam Wah has quit the
from thestar..
Power Transfer
not a fixed date. It may be earlier depending on the situation.
This is very contradicting statement he made several days ago when he
commented on Tan Sri Muhyidin Yassin comment on the 2010 deadline.
This is a good sign, as he may started listening to others.
Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as Defence Minister?
and Defence .ministry will be taken over by DSAAB with immediate effect.
Although DSAAB handed over his Finance Minister portfolio to his successor,
but still he is in command and a PM. The current economic situation was so
bad with 2 big bank in US declared bankcrupt yesterday.
1. Maybe he knows that he will not be able to rectify our economic situation
2. He really sincere on to start the power transfer after a comment by Tan Sri
Muhyidin Yassin last week.
3. Planning to get full power on the Military and Police, as to standby DSAI
and PKR attacked on him.
We'll see soon.
Change of Government?
We also approach some of the Coalition party members, on the issue and what they've answered is don't listen to rumors. So it is 16th September past by and nothing had happened, BN is still in power and Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is still the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Where Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is still PKR leader and a member of Parliament constituency.
Today is another day 17th September 2008. What will happen today? As for now no confirmed news received about the Change of government? Not in Malaysiakini,The Star or any of Malaysian news agency. However ther is unconfirmed reports saying that a China TV news broadcasted that Datuk Sri Anwar Ibrahim had taken over Malaysia.
We've made some inquiries , and what we have learned was there is a re-shuffling of parliament cabinet members.

It seems that with this news we can rest for today. Maybe tomorrow we can anticipate another breaking news.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Perlis Mufti: ISA arrests not the solution
I would really believe that if a muslim who commit the wrong doing, this method would be best because muslims are thought with this believes. However if a non-muslim was treated this way, another issue will arise.
The govt. will have to encounter more problem, than solving the issue..
Saturday, September 13, 2008
FW: If You Are Forced to Withdraw from ATM, Press the Pin # Reve r sely
From: Saravanan-BCM5864
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 2:28 PM
To: Najwa-BCM5088; Nazifah-BCM5882; Purnideepa-BCM5824; Vaijentimala-BCM5686; Jayaram Beeman-BCM5847; Nor Adha-BCM4618; Gopinathan-BCM5810; Vishnu-BCM3616; Stephen Wong-BCM3567; Esther-BCM5103; BH Chua-BCM5846; Hasrul Rashidi-BCM4968; Haslina-BCM0457; Lalitha-BCM1807
Subject: If You Are Forced to Withdraw from ATM, Press the Pin # Rever sely
Not sure whether it works, but no loss in trying in such circumstances.
Ø > If you should ever be forced by a robber to withdraw money from an ATM |
Ayam Mongolia
Judge your self the authenticity of the photo, I don't know where I got it but there's a web-site link watermark on the photo..
1. Pak lah told reporters not to exaggerate rumors, it will only make the rumors seems to be true than what it is.
2. Although it is only rumor, BN sent a bus load of MPs to Taiwan to learn agriculture technics from Taiwanese. Isn't it best to sent only handful of MP accompanied with the technical individuals to learn from the taiwanese?
3. PKR sent 4 of it MPs to Taiwan being reason to audit what BN MPs is doing in Taiwan and their spending.
4. Although it is a rumors, a BN spokesmen in a phone interview with one of the TV news, said that PKR sent their 4 MPs to Taiwan is because to seduce some of the BN MPs to change party on Sept 16. The same spokesmen also use the word "BODOH" to describe PKR's action.
Monday, September 8, 2008
September 16 Deadline!!
Could this be a BN tactic who wants to ensure that no one able to jump to any where? We don't know, but what we know is that PKR leader did not actually says specificly September 16, which year? I personnaly think that there is actually numbers of BN members who wants to jump party due to the weak BN leader now. But I really think that change of government will not be materialised anyway, PKR only exploits the situation to make the country and people havoc.
My boyfriend hardly orgasms with a condom on. Any reason why?
Here I just want to share the answer given to the questions by Danielepew
The problem is that he has masturbated too much and, therefore, he does not get enough stimulation if he has the condom on. Since I DO NOT RECOMMEND THAT YOU HAVE SEX WITHOUT THE CONDOM, I suggest that he buys the sensitive type (LATEX ONES, PLEASE) and gives masturbation some rest.
Foreplay could actually help, because it would help you. It seems like you can either last three minutes or a century. I imagine this is bad for you two. Maybe he can resort to other ways to stimulate you while he gets ready?
I just lol.....
Saturday, September 6, 2008
MP3 Lagu Raya
Lagu-Lagu Raya vol.2 - KerepeK - SaveFile.com project
Saya harap anda bergembira dengan link tersebut....
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Changing Email Client SMTP port
In some worst attacks the SMTP server just can't handle it any more and all it's services just stopped because of the mail processing. This is why some ISP's change their outgoing SMTP port for security and minimized chances being hit. The standard port is 25, so this port should be change to another port number.
Below is a video on how to change Microsoft outlook outgoing port;
if you can't view the video, please click here
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Merdeka 51 Logo is a copied?
There are reports that the 51st Merdeka logo was copied from a Taiwanese excellent food product award. Both of the logos have the same strokes, the only difference is the colour and rounded curve on each ends.
I may not be an expert, but if I'm not mistaken a logo was selected with the appropriate meaning to each colour and object in the logo. Even if you copied a logo, you have still to get a suitable meaning of the logos.
What I really attracted to when reading http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/11978/84/ is the the comments by readers. Most of the reader who commented there was in very rage state, blaming other people on the copy cat issue and so on. They them self do not see whe they are and the nature it self before commenting.
For instance just look at the mirrors, don't you have something similar to your parents? Even you have the same look with your parents, doesent mean that you have the same character with them.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
http://www.malaysia-today.net Diharamkan?
Notis yang berbunyi seperti "Malaysia Today is being blocked by Malaysian government. To access use the address http://mt.m2day.org/2008/ You can check the site status at http://m2day.org/ or google for "Malaysia Today ". ". Sebenarnya tiada cara yang boleh menghalangkan laman web itu dari wujud, melainkan secara fisikal memadam laman web tersebut dari peranti internet.
Apa yang dilakukan sekarang oleh kerajaan malaysia ialah meminta semua penyedia internet di malaysia untuk menghalang pengguna mencapai alamat peranti internet http://malaysia-today.net tersebut.
Untuk para pengguna di malaysia yang masih ingin melayari laman web tersebut, perlulah menggunakan proxy server yang beroperasi di luar negara. Terdapat banyak proxy server percuma di luar negara dan cara untuk menggunakannya amat mudah, http://www.proxy4free.com. Untuk tatacara pengunaan proxy server Internet Explorer sila ke laman web ini http://support.microsoft.com/.
Untuk pengguna Mozilla Firefox:
Open Firefox and click on the Tools menu and then click Options. You should get a screen similar to the following:
Click Connection Settings and the following should popup:
Select Manual Proxy Configuration and fill in the relevent field for your Proxy. Note that Firefox's support for Authentication on Socks Proxy Servers is somewhat limited.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Permatang Pauh
Walaupun begitu, untuk BN memenangi kerusi kawasan tersebut adalah sesuatu yang hampir mustahil. Tetapi saya berpendapat kemungkinan jika tindak-tanduk yang dilakukan oleh BN tidak menyakiti hati rakyat, kemungkinan ada harapan.
Isu sumpah menyumpah ini pada saya sepatutnya tidak dibawa ke kancah politik. Ini hanya menimbulkan keadan yang lebih huru-hara dan memalukan ugama Islam dimata dunia. Apakah yang benar2 boleh dicapai dengan aksi bersumpah ini dikalangan rakyat bermasyarakat majmuk ini.
Bukan saya tidak percaya, tetapi sebagai orang islam saya mempercayai dan harus mempercayainya. Akan tetapi yang lebih penting hasil yang ingin dicapai dari tindakan itu dan juga impak masyarakat dunia terhadap Islam dan Malaysia amnya.
Hari Jumaat ini adalah hari pembentagan bajet negara, dan setelah sekian lama DSAS tidak menjadi ahli Parlimen, beliau kini kembali bergelar YB. Ada desas-desu mengataan bahawa selepas kemenangan DSAS,15 kerusi parlimen BN akan lompat parti dan "undi tidak percaya" akan diusulkan sekali lagi.
Apa yang boleh rakyat buat? Bukan rakyat tidak mahu membantu, tetapi pemimpin perlulah menyedari bahawasanya amaran demi amaran telah diberikan kepada mereka, akan tetapi mereka masih merasakan yang mereka ini diperlukan oleh rakyat.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Beijing Olyimpic: Badminton

Tonight is the night of all malaysian waiting for. Our Lee Chong Wei will be in the Single Final game against Lin Dan from China,
Malaysians are waiting Lee to bring back gold to home after so many years of waiting. don't forget to watch the game tonight in RTM1 at 8:40 pm. We hope the best for him!!! Maybe Le can give Malaysia a birthday present on its 51st birthday.
Beijing Olympic: Bicycle Track 200m Sprint

Mohd Azizul Hasni Awang who taking the Malaysian challenge in Beijing Olympic just have been denied by Ryan Bailey in the 7th Hheat run today.
There is nothing actually nothing between Mohd Azizul and Ryan Bailey in terms of speed. However he was denied during a last bend where both competitors are very close. Maybe due to the close distance between both of them which looks like he slowed down a bit to avoid accident.
I see there is a future in Azizul in his career and hope that he will continue his excellence.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Compaq Presario C700 (C749TU)
This is still considered very cheap laptop, but actually it is best replacement for your current desktop. I don't actually bought this laptop, but my friend did. I didn't know the specifications of this laptop and my friend was complaining that this laptop cannot get wireless.
Upon cheking form other website such as http://www.jayceooi.com I know that this notebook does not have wireless network card. To confirm I loaded this notebook from booteable cd PCLOS 2008. Get connected to the internet via ethernet port. the following are the lspci output from PCLOS
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)
00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)
00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) PCI Express Port 1 (rev 03)
00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI Controller #1 (rev 03)
00:1d.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI Controller #2 (rev 03)
00:1d.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI Controller #3 (rev 03)
00:1d.7 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB2 EHCI Controller #1 (rev 03)
00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 Mobile PCI Bridge (rev f3)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile LPC Interface Controller (rev 03)
00:1f.1 IDE interface: Intel Corporation Mobile IDE Controller (rev 03)
00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation Mobile SATA AHCI Controller (rev 03)
00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) SMBus Controller (rev 03)
02:01.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)
Although the notebook have a a wireless button and indicator, it actually does not have the wireless card. As I mention earlier, this notebook pc is best for casual user who need to replace their old desktop.
Installing windows for this laptop is a nightmare for beginners.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Debat 2008
Pada saya Anwar adalah seorang pemidato yang terbaik, beliau begitu fokus dalam isu yang didebatkan. Malangnya Datuk Sabri pula tidak pandai berpidato dan hanya cuba mengunakan personal attack yg memungkinkan lebih benci rakyat kepada BN.
Datuk Sabri sepatutnya lebih fokus pada isu sebenar dan jika dia ingin memenangi perdebatan tersebut dan seterusnya sokongan rakyat.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Komputer Riba Mini
Kini telah terdapat beberapa jenama komputer riba mini untuk para pengguna. Harganya juga tidaklah begitu mahal, dan mampu dimiliki oleh orang ramai. Antaranya jenama mahsyur ialah Asus, Acer dan Compaq.
Jenama Acer baru sahaja melancarkan "Acer One", dalam banyak produk yang berada di pasaran model ini adalah paling menyerlah kerana rekabentuknya yang cantik. Walaupun begitu spesifikasinya tidak begitu memberansangkan jika dibandingkan dengan Asus.
CPU: Intel Atom N270 (1.6GHz, 533MHz FSB, 512 KB L2 Cache).
Memory: 512MB DDR2 533MHz on-board (Upgradable to 1GB or 1.5GB using 512MB or 1GB soDIMM).
Display: 8.9in WSVGA (1,024 x 600), LED Backlit, 180 cd/m2.
Storage: 8GB NAND Flash Module (Linux Versions) & 80GB 2.5in HDD (Windows XP Versions), Memory Card Reader (SD, MMC, RS-MMC, MS, MS PRO, xD).
Audio: Integrated Intel HD Audio, Integrated Microphone & Speakers
Communication: 802.11b/g Wi-Fi, 10/100 Fast Ethernet, Integrated 3.6MB 3G/HSDPA (Optional), WiMAX (Optional), 0.3 Megapixel WebCam.
Dimensions: 249 x 170 x 29mm (WxDxH) for NAND Flash and 3-cell battery version; 249 x 195 x 36mm for HDD version with 6-cell battery.
Weight: 995g for NAND Flash, 3-cell battery versions; 1.26kg for HDD/6-cell versions.
Battery: 2200mAh 3-cell battery (3 hours life); 2600mAh 6-cell (7 hours life) - figures derived from NAND Flash editions.
Warranty: 1 Year Carry-in, upgradeable to 2 Years.
* All photos are courtesy from TrustedRevies.com
Peralihan Kuasa
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Ade-Ade aje!!
Apa pula yang BN buat kali ini? Tiba2 aje hanya segelintir pemberita dapat menemuramah ahli parlimen. Apa pula helah pak lah kini, ade2 aje perkara yang Pak Lah buat menyebabkan orang marah...
Pak Lah... Pak Lah
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Coalition party leader vs component party
"Barisan is like a family. They (SAPP) are like a son who wants to remain in the family but cannot get along with the father,"
by Tengku Adnan Yaakob (Barisan secretary-general).
Can we really make comparison or assume the relationship between parties in a coallition as a father-son relationship? Although a son could not betray his father, but a son could definitely speak or make a point that the father is making mistake.
Why SAPP take such brave decision is because they are representing the people (rakyat). Rakyat had clearly make a point that the leader should be changed, but it seems that the leader is refusing go.
In fact I think what SAPP is doing is right on time that may save future havoc in the country. With the bad decisions made by the current administrations, its more likely the rakyat will strikes back sooner or later.
Friday, June 20, 2008
ACA on Yong Teck Lee
My question is why this issue does not come out before? Why now? There must be some one who puportedly wants this issue out to the public. I would like to leave to the public to think who is the most suitable candidate..
Lagi tentang keputusan pilihanraya 12
Sudah 3 bulan selepas pilihanraya yang ke 12. Tapi masih belum habis tentang isu ini. nasib baik mahkamah buang kes ini. Kalau tidak, alamt asyik megundi aje lah kita ni.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Plihanraya Kecil Sanglang
Megikut kata orang tempatan disitu, kawasan ini sememangya adalah kubu kuat PAS dan adalah sesuatu yang tidak dapat diterima akal jika BN menang mudah (majoriti besar) disini. Ada yang mengatakan mereka ternampak pihak BN telah menyorokkan satu peti undi undi di kawasan ini yang telah menyebabkan kekalahan PAS dalam PRU12 lalu.
Walau apapun, kita tunggu dan lihat bagaimana BN ingin mempertahankan kerusi mereka. Amatlah susahlah untuk bagi BN untuk mempertahankan kerusi mereka disni dengan keadan politik masakini. Tekanan demi tekanan diberikan kepada pucuk pimpinan, akan tetapi pucuk pimpinan seperti tidak pernah membaca, mendengar atau melihat situasi masakini melalui media massa and internet.
Vote No Confidence on Paklah's Administration
Vote of no confidence by SAPP party (BN coalition) is not an easy task to decide. There are a lots of consequences that may arise from this actions. But I believe that the decision made has been consulted by the root level of the party members.
I would also believe that as per claimed by Datuk Yong Teik Lee is true where they are not the only one who feel no confidence with AAB admin. There are others who is still consulting with thier members on the outcome of such actions.
AAB should have realize this when Dr.M mention this in his blog, where Dr. M's talks are always base on facts. But as we know AAB is backed by untruthfully UMNO members who have their own agendas and does not want their actions will jeopardise their plans..
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Itu & ini, Apa sudah Jadi
Dari sebelum minyak naik, sekarang ni beras, tepung dan segala makanan dah naik, cuma yang tak naik gaji pekerja sahaja. Sepanjang hidup saya, inilah kali pertama saya amat berminat sekali untuk mengetahui berita politik semasa. Kalu dahulu... bila berita sahaja buat endah tak endah aje.
Kini bukan sahaja berita perdana, malah setiap jam sentiasa mencari berita daipada blog dan laman web media masa. Saya bersetuju dengan pemerintahan yang ingin menumpukan perhatian kepada kemelut kenaikan harga kini.
Tapi malangya, hampir kesemua langkah yang di syorkan seperti menambah beban atau satu keputusan yang kurang munasabah. Apakah sebenarnya di fikirkan kerajaan? atau adakah rakyat terlalu bodoh, hinggakan hanya kerajaan sekarang ini sahaja nampak akan kebaikan atas tindak-tanduk kerajaan?
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Automatic road tax reduction from June 24
JPJ director-general Datuk Ahmad Mustapha Abdul Rashid said until then, vehicle owners would have to pay the tax at the original rates and then apply for reimbursement from JPJ offices starting June 23.
“Vehicle owners or their representatives can apply for reimbursement by providing documents like copies of bank statements, copies of their identity cards and form JPJ K6,” he said in a statement yesterday.
Form JPJ K6 can be obtained from all JPJ offices or downloaded from the JPJ website at www.jpj.gov.my. The reimbursements would be credited into their bank accounts, it added.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had announced that motorists would be given cash rebates and lower road tax to help them cushion the 41% hike in petrol and 63.3% hike in diesel prices.
Ahmad Mustapha said renewal of road tax with the new rates can also be made at Pos Malaysia offices or at the MyEG kiosk or portal at www. myeg.com.my. – Bernama
Dual Mobile number on a SIM card
Fight Fuel Hike, Convert your car to LPG!
What Is LPG | ||||||||||||
What are the Benefits
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Comparisons of LPG
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Who Uses LPG | ||||||||||||
How Much Will I Save | ||||||||||||
Can we Convert Your Car |
Fight Fuel Hike, Run your car with water!
original link
Can this help us? I would urge government to allocate some fund for Science R&D or maybe give somekind of awards or recognition to malaysian scientist.
Dr Mahathir Mohamad: Snippets
There are lots of people have been criticized by Dr. M, there is no surprise to what could they will and would have done to fight back. The most eligible candidate who may have instructed the anonymous claims is the PM in my opinion.
As to the cancelled Mega Projects, my perceptions is because of the projects does not profits to its "kroni" therefore it is being cancelled. All politician have their own agenda, otherwise why would they join the politics if they could earn more from private sectors.
However I believe that if the wealth segregration is well divided, there is no issue. Mega projects is important as is can promotes better economy as well as it will projected a better perceptions to the foreign investors, where it will again generate business for the country and its people.
From my point of view, the current administration are more concern to the domestic policy. This is good, but it should be handle by the TPM instead of PM.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Gaji 2X, bukan 2 kali ganda gaji!
Permasalahan yang pasti ialah kos untuk membeli minyak yang dulunya hanya RM1.92 seliter telah bertukar kepada RM2.70 seliter. Hanya dengan membahagikan pembayaran gaji kepada 2 kali sebulan tidak akan dapat membantu sedikit pun untuk mugurankan beban. Saya rasa mungkin hanya orang gila sahaja akan bersetuju bahawasanya pendekatan ini akan dapat membantu megurangkan beban.
Wake up lah Pak Lah oi...!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Minyak dah naik!
Munking telah ade kesedaran akan bagaimana untuk berjimat. Tetapi persoalannya adakah dengan kurangnya pergerakan rakyat, bolehkah ekonomi kita meningkat? Atau ia boleh menjejaskan kadar pertumbuhan ekonomi kita.
Pada hemat saya sudah tentulah ianya akan terjejas, sudah pasti. Kebanyakan harga barangan telahpun naik, dan yang akan naik pun tak kurang banyaknya, jadi saya fikir pihak kerajaan perlulah memikirkan apakah barangan yang boleh diturunkan supaya boleh mengimbangi kenaikan harga minyak ini.
Freedom Info Committee
Tapi yang peliknya ade le pulak committee yg kene tapis isu..... bukankah pembaziran masa dan wang rakyat nak set yang itu dan ini, sedangkan yg sedia ada pun dah dah sememangnya ditapis. Kalau benar nak transparent bukan ini caranya.“We want to provide an avenue and opportunity for the mass media and the public, where information that is not sensitive or classified as secret can be obtained freely and for free,” he told a press conference after chairing the state executive council meeting on Wednesday.
He said state Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Committee chairman Abdul Malik Abul Kassim would head the committee, assisted by state Town and Country Planning and Housing committee chairman Wong Hon Wai and a representative from the state secretariat.
Lim said the committee would direct the departments to categorise and classify information that can be released to the public.
cerita selanjutnya..